Thymus Serpyllum: Compelling, hard core, wake up call, uncompromisingly decisive, aggressive, reality check, commanding action and completion.

- Red Thyme is perfect for people who feel they could do with a good kick up the ass or a slap around the head with a big fish to wake them up and knock some sense into them. It is not recommended for people who are weak, sick or vulnerable as it can be overpowering. If you're already strong, this will make you even stronger.

After an exhausting full day's march with heavy packs, the army recruits have arrived at their last challenge - a great big wall they have to climb. Some sink down in despair, the rest just stare at the wall. Their sergeant, who has seen this self same scene a hundred times, chuckles to himself. He knows something that they don't know - he knows they have more than enough strength, they have huge reservoirs of strength inside them which they've never suspected, simply because they were never challenged in this way before.
He allows himself one more quick grin, then he starts to shout at them at the top of his lungs, "Right! Get up there, you lot! What are you waiting for!"

Try Red Thyme if you need help with...
Bad Attitude
Buy the Aromatherapy For Your Soul Collection by Silvia Hartmann

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