Aromatherapy For Your Soul
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Lemongrass Essential Oil: "Summer Rain"

Cymbopogon Citratus: Cleansing, banishing, inviting new things, energy ideas, encouraging, renewing.


  • Lemongrass blows the cobwebs from your mind and stale energies out of your energy system, makes room for new and better things to flow into these places. It is a particularly good cleanser after having been in negative situations or around negative people to brush up the aura and make it smooth and shiny again.

The land was dusty, dry and tired; parched ground, yellowed, flattened grass, the leaves of the trees were hanging tiredly, the sky was dark and the atmosphere hot and oppressive oppressive.

And then they came, the summer rains, and when they had passed, all was fresh, bright and new, all was green once more and sparkling in the sunshine.

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