Citrus Aurantium: Sexy, charming, inviting, sensuous, a good future, abundant gardens and surprises.

- Neroli re-awakens passion, sexuality, sensitivity and desire for fulfilment on every level. Changes negative outlooks, affirms life and brings renewed hope which is the key to all healing endeavours, to all evolution.

A middle aged woman, worn down with worry and care and work, sits on a garden bench. She is too tired and despondent to see the beautiful sunny day, the bright white clouds, nor to listen to the bright winds rustling in the dancing leaves, or smell the sweet scent of the many grasses, herbs and flowers she herself did plant with loving hands.
All of a sudden, the wind blows a tendril from a climbing, flowering plant - it touches her cheek like the hand of a lover. The woman startles aware, looks around, brings her hand to her face and then, she smiles.

Try Neroli if you need help with...
Sex and Sexual Problems
Buy the Aromatherapy For Your Soul Collection by Silvia Hartmann

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