Energy Magic
Aromatherapy – More Magic Than “Science”![]() I heard a report yesterday that 21% of the general adult population had tried some form of aromatherapy. Aromatherapy draws people strongly towards it, being the most popular choice for alternative or complementary treatment and healing, but the amazing thing about this is that people have the LOWEST expectations of actually getting over their troubles with aromatherapy, as a study by Professor Suzanne McDonough of the University of Ulster shows.
Added Apr 11, 2008
| 11,590 Reads
74% of respondents who had received acupuncture thought it was definitely or probably very helpful; the least confidence was shown in aromatherapy in that only 17% said it was probably or definitely helpful. What have we here? I would say that we have a POWERFUL MODALITY in POTENTIAL that is not being used as it should be used. I think people are drawn to essentials so magnetically because there is an innate sense, a hunger, for what they have to offer. And then it all goes wrong with the current treatment forms and the current practice of Aromatherapy “as taught by the local adult education college” and people end up disappointed and dissatisfied. I am absolutely convinced that GOOD aromatherapy practitioners would agree that aromatherapy is far more magical than it is chemical medicine from the Newtonian clockwork universe. That the results that come from working with the essences AND the client, how you do that, and what you are after to achieve, are highly dependent of the magic of the practitioner – their intuition, their reading of the client’s existing conditions, and matching the right frequency of essential to that. With the right practitioner, aromatherapy can create quite magical changes. But you really do need to look beyond the chemical properties of the essentials, big time. And you do need to understand that an essential oil based ointment is not a steroid cream, doesn’t work like that, mustn’t be prescribed or handled or delivered like that, doesn’t affect THE WHOLE PERSON like that, is essentially OTHER THAN “modern allopathic “”"healing”"”. With that many people from the general population being really interested and drawn to aromatherapy, there is every scope for creating whole new techniques and methods of USING essential oils in a very different ways than just sniffing and rubbing with little or no thought or intention, which will unlock the true magic of these amazing super-natural alchemical potions and will bring about changes that will not only make your head spin, but blow those kinds of statistics right out of the water.
Added Apr 11, 2008
| 11,590 Reads