Vanilla Planifolia: Confidence, promises of good things to come, future fulfilment, future and forward movement, drawing forward into mystery and towards satisfaction.

- Vanilla is very good for people who are worried about the future and/or constantly project problems from the past into the future. Vanilla projects pleasant things, satsifying things instead and that feeds back on the state of the now, leaving a pleasant and calm state that can spiral up with more promises of good things to come.

There once was a woman whose travels had taken her far, far away from home across the years and the many miles. One day, she was tired and despondent, worn out and weary from her travels and her works, in a small lodging in a strange city. As she went to shut her window, a scent caught her attention - someone was baking a cake. Instantly she has hurtled back to being a small child and helping her mother in the kitchen. She closed the window softly, turned around and looked at her little cooker in the corner of her room, and she decided there and then to not just eat a piece of bread and cheese again, but on this night, to cook a meal for herself, to make herself at home.

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