Energy Magic
Aromatherapy & Meditation – Wild Tansy Spirit![]() Ever since I first got the Wild Tansy essential oil from Aubre at Shining Sun Aromatherapy, I’ve been simply in love with it. Having “female” health problems at the moment, the spirit of the wild woman who lives in the hedgerows and who knows nature, as nature knows her in all ways, is incredibly powerful and soothing, especially right now.
Added May 11, 2009
| 2,634 Reads
So and to help me really attune to those aspects of me which are that wild nature inside, I made a magic spirit doll to portray the spirit of Wild Tansy. This step is obviously optional, but for practitioners of energy magic by any other name, it is a powerful portal for PERSONAL relationships with nature spirits and primal forces, so I do. I was in hospital for a while (the absolute antithesis of the vibrantly alive, moist, stormy, powerful nature world Wild Tansy inhabits!) and on my return felt really low and miserable. Whenever I feel that way, I turn to meditation aka Project Sanctuary, and step into a healing habitat. And so it was that Wild Tansy came to me most powerfully in the meditation, and she brought me herbs and honey, peat and all things green and wise, and let me rest and stay in her home to give me strength and renewal. It was a most wonderful experience, more than I have words to describe, and triply so because I was in such need for exactly that kind of energy to bring me back to life. Here is the moral of the story, and it is twofold. Firstly, to me each aromatherapy essential oil is ALIVE and it HAS A SPIRIT. This spirit can be communicated with in a very abstract way, but it can also be made real and into something that can come to you, and talk with you, and touch you, and bring you healing if you invite it in. Whatever your favourite essentials are, you too can call upon their spirits and make this personal, HUMAN connection and gain so much from it. The second reason for telling this story is that building these kinds of abilities and resources, like how to meditate, how to step into a magic garden inside, how to make it so that meditations become real and alive in every way, must be practiced BEFORE YOU GET ILL. This holds the same for a teensy cold, to having been diagnosed with cancer. Once you’re there and involved in the pains, fears and processes of illness, that’s the worst place to try and learn this skill that can literally save your life, if not your love and your hope and spirit of this incarnation. It’ll be a hundred times as hard. So it is in the GOOD TIMES that we should start to make our way to the Sanctuaries that are so real, and can be so profoundly helpful, so we know where they are, the paths are well travelled, we are very experienced and when “the worst comes to the worst,” things like my Wild Tansy lady can come to us, come to our aid, and all we have to do is to lay back and enjoy it. If you’re reading this and you’re not ill, and you’re not planning on ever becoming ill, NOW is the time to start learning how to meditate, and if you are here because you love aromatherapy essential oils as I do, then you’ll find it easy to do aromatherapy meditations that have the power to transform your life. God bless Wild Tansy!
Added May 11, 2009
| 2,634 Reads